Four years ago a naive couple went in for an ultrasound. It was a beautiful spring Saturday morning. Unaware of the news awaiting us behind those closed doors we were discussing baby names and some of the hopes and dreams we already had in store for our little one. Finally it was our turn. After some small talk with the technician it was finally time to learn the gender. Bam! We were then hit wth the news that we were having twins! We were both in shock and did not know how to react. The technician told us that the babies seemed to be healthy and looked to be girls. However, she also told me this threw me into the high-risk pool, so I needed to slow down and take it easy.
We left the office feeling very humbled. It's not everyday that you find out you are not only going to be responsible for taking care of two lives growing inside of you. From that point on, we knew that changes had to be made. The hardest change for me was resigning my management position. I loved my job. I loved working 60 hour weeks. Most importantly, I loved the people I worked with. I went from having a life to living life as a hermit.
God had a plan for us. Although we had no idea what He was thinking, we knew we had to trust in Him. This was His will and His gift to us.
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